I'd like to write a Watchkit App that can communicate with more than one iPhone App.
For example, let's call this Watchkit App, "PingPong." All it does is set up an observer, and respond to a request--similar to an ICMP ping request. So, when an App sends a "PING" to the watch, the PingPong Watchkit app responds with "PONG."
How can I make this functionality accessible to multiple apps? In other words, I would like to expose this very simple interface, so that different apps can use it.
Note that the docs state, "You must have an existing iOS app to create a WatchKit app. The WatchKit app is implemented as a separate target of your Xcode project and is built and packaged inside your iOS app’s bundle... Xcode configures the targets for your WatchKit app and WatchKit extension and adds the needed files to your iOS project. The bundle IDs for both new targets are configured automatically, based on the bundle ID of your iOS app. The base IDs for all three bundles must match; if you change your iOS app’s bundle ID, you must update the other bundle IDs accordingly." https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/WatchKitProgrammingGuide/ConfiguringYourXcodeProject.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014969-CH2-SW1
This would imply that there's a 1-to-1 relationship between iOS extension apps and watchkit apps. Implication? Watchkit apps are essentially sandboxed, and this is not possible. But it couldn't hurt to ask. That's what SO is for, right? :P
Thx, Keith :)