
I am using Pandoc to convert markdown files to html in a Jekyll blog.

I am passing these flags to pandoc -t html5 --smart --section-divs --parse-raw but it does not seem to render the iframe. Here is a screenshot of what it produces.

Can anyone point me in the right direction so that it ends up being rendered correctly?

Here is the iframe in the markdown file

<div class="scratch-preview">
<iframe allowtransparency="true" width="485" height="402" src="http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/embed/26818098/?autostart=false" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<img src="space-final.png">
Are you using a plugin like jekyll-pandoc-plugin or jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats ?David Jacquel
no that is in my gemfile and iv used homebrew to install pandoc as well.DMH
could you post a snippet of code that surrounds that iframe?matrixanomaly
sure iv updated the question. I have used default kramdown and it renders fine but the issue is then I dont get id's added to things like # Step 1: Sprites { .activity }DMH
<strike>writing up an answer</strike> doing more research, try adding markdown="0" attribute to your iframe for the time being. should work to prevent Kramdown from parsing it.matrixanomaly

1 Answers


The issue has been discussed on github. The problem seems to be caused by indentation of the iframe being 4 spaces or more, causing it to be interpreted as code by markdown.