Just started looking into Akka. From my understanding (correct me I am wrong) to your question. Akka has a hierarchy. Root guardian -> user guardian -> your actor hierarchy. So if you want to create a top level actor (children of user guardian).
ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("mySystem");
ActorRef ref = system.actorOf(Props.create(TopLevelActor.class);
Now if you want to create a child actor for the above created top level actor. Instead of 'system' use the actors context.
new Message(0, 200000), getSelf());
You can use the tell method like above to instruct a top level actor to send messages to its child that you just created. Also the message won't go directly to child it will go the mailbox.
So I think you just have to look into context and tell.
You should read the official documentation (http://akka.io/docs/). It's pretty detailed. Also, I am still on the third chapter of the documentation so correct me if I got this wrong.