
How can you record audio to a file in an app's documents directory using AudioKit. They include examples on how to display live microphone signals and how to playback audio that's shipped as part of a binary but there is no information as far as I can tell regarding saving microphone input to a file.

I have managed to record files using AKManager.sharedManager().startRecordingToURL(pathURL) however when I export the file I get a silent .wav file. Am I not specifying a recording device?

I'm using Swift so answers in swift are preferable to Obj-C answers.

Did you manage to solve this? If so, could you please share how you solved it? Thanks!Berend Klein Haneveld
Can you show us what you've done so far? Show some codes.Glenn Posadas

1 Answers


In general AudioKit doesn't care whether the audio source is a series of pre-recorded files, a physical model, an oscillator, or a microphone. Each of these can be processed and then the output is saved.