
I have a Jenkins job that runs an "Execute Windows batch command", inside that batch I have a.exe, Jenkins job fails with this message:

"a.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command"

but when I run manually batch that have inside a.exe is working.

"X is not recognized as an internal or external command" usually means that your executable "X" not found. How do you call a.exe ? Where is it located ?Vitalii Elenhaupt
I have a Build.bat that has inside a.exe, b.exe, c.exe ... When I run manually Build.bat or from cmd is working, but when I call Build.bat from Jenkins, I receive "a.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command", "b.exe is not recognized as an internal or external" command", "c.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command"Ice

1 Answers


Did you try Windows Exe Runner Plugin, I have been using it for a while and it let me run .exe from jenkins.