I've implemented a storyboard based splash screen that mimics the default state of my app. Problem is, when the user first launches the app, I take them through a registration flow that looks vastly different than the normal user experience. So the splash screen looks SUPER awkward.
In my case, I have two view controllers on this storyboard file: one with my app logo centered vertically and horizontally (which I want to use for first time launch) and one with a navigation bar, tab bar, and white space in between (which I want to use once registration is complete).
I've noticed a lot of apps have a different splash screen for first time launch and "normal" launch, but I can't figure out how to configure my app to do this.
I'm using LaunchScreen.storyboard, which is set in Info.plist as "Launch screen interface base file name". I'm targeting iOS 8 and above, so I don't use splash images.