What is the proper call/code pattern to write to Azure Queue Storage in a performant way?
Right now, the pseudo-code is
Create static class with StorageCredentials and CloudStorage account properies. At application startup, read values from config file into {get;}-only properties.
Create class with an async Task method with input parameter of my application message type. The method serializes the type, creates new CloudQueueMessage, new CloudQueueClient, new CloudQueue reference. Where configuration information is needed, it is read from the static class. My code then:
await Task.Run( ()=> theref.AddMessage(themessage).
It looks to me as if I have some redundancy in the code, and am not sure if/how connections might be pooled to the queue, and also if I require retry logic as I would with database (SQL Server etc) connectivity.
I am trying to understand which queue accessing steps can be reduced or optimized in any way.
All ideas appreciated.
Using .NET 4.5.2, C#. Code is executing in a Cloud Service (Worker Role).