all I have SQL 2012 BI, tried to make local service and no matter what can't make that active. My Computer name = T410, Default Instance of db = MSSQLServer
I went thru SSRS Config Manager, set all like below:
Service Account: Use build-in Account. = Networks Services
Web Service URL: http://T410:80/ReportServer
Database: added new db ReportServer, use SQL Server Added account with DBA rights (before I tried W auth and it also didn't work)
Report Manager URL: http://T410:80/Reports Got all green OK statuses for each of case....
Went thru this video setting IE tool/security settings/ adding local URL
And still can't make that bloody http://T410/Reports active, getting 404 error.
In SQL Server config manager have my sql server and SSRS running, and SQL server browser too...
Is there any way to troubleshoot this situation, what is can be wrong. I totally got crazy, looks like tried it all. I think it's till something around my accounts security. Can I see that URL somewhere running in Task Manager ?
Please help!!! SAVE OUR SSRS !!!
on the server and see the result? – Sébastien Sevrin