
I have 4 points I would like to plot using gnuplot, but with lines. The problem is, I can't find how to highlight these 4 points on the drawn line. I would like for the plot to be a line through the points, but that these points are also clearly marked. An example generated by excel. What I know is either drawing only points, or only a line with no highlighted points. Is a combination possible in gnuplot?

Use plot ... with linespoints.Christoph

1 Answers


From gnuplot docs, define styles as:

set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2 pt 5 ps 1.5   # blue
set style line 2 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 2 pt 7 ps 1.5   # red

and plot:

plot ... w lp ls 1    # Use line style 1


lc - linecolor
lt - linetype
lw - linewidth
pt - pointtype
ps - pointsize
w  - with
lp - linespoints
ls - linestyle

or one line shorthand:

plot ... w lp lc rgb 'cyan' lw 2 pt 5

line style 1 will produce blue line with square points