
I have a single page app, that often creates new data from an array

var searchData = new kendo.data.DataSource({data: buildData});

and then displays it in a grid,

this all looks good except the excel export missbehaves as follows:

run one search and the excel export works fine.

run a second search and the excel export downloads 2 files, the first being a repeat of the results of the first search, the second file being the new search.

run a third search and the excel exports three files.... and so on...

it appears the refresh isn't working for me, but i don't have any idea why not?

	if(searchedArray) {
                searchedArray.forEach(function (row) {
            var searchData = new kendo.data.DataSource({data: buildData});

	var sGrid=null;
	sGrid = $("#searchedgrid").kendoGrid({
		        toolbar: ["excel"],
		        excel: {
		            fileName: "filename.xlsx",
		            proxyURL: "http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/export",
		            filterable: true
		        dataSource: searchData,
		        sortable: {
		            mode: "multiple",
		            allowUnsort: true
		        schema: {
		            model: {
		                fields: {
		                    r: { type: "number" },
		                    w: { type: "number" },
		                    n: { type: "string" },
		                    nl: { type: "string" },
		                    o: { type: "string" },
		                    t: { type: "string" },
		                    d: { type: "date" }
                height: sHeight,
                scrollable: true,
                pageable: false,
		selectable: "multiple cell",
                allowCopy: true,
                columns: [
                    { field: "r",width: 40,title: "Rank",template:'<center>#=r#</center>'},
                    { field: "w",width: 50,title: "Weight",template:'<center>#=w#</center>'},
                    { field: "n", title: "Number", width: "80px",template:'<center>#=n#</center>'},
                    { field: "nl", title: "&nbsp;", width: "14px",template:'<center><a href="#=nl#" onclick="javascript:void window.open(\'#=nl#\',\'details\',\'width=800,height=600,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,left=0,top=0\');return false;"><div class="ambLink" id="detaillink" title="View details"></div></a></center>',sortable:false},
		    { field: "o",width: 200,title: "Owner"},
                    { field: "t",width: 400,title: "Title",  attributes: {style: 'white-space: nowrap '} },
                    { field: "d",width: 70,title: "Filed",template:'<center>#=d#</center>'}

Try setting the dataSource on the grid initially to a new dataSource, and then set the data on the existing DataSource of the grid. $("#searchedgrid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.data(buildData); See if that changes anything. jsbin.com/hucezo/edit?js --Edit Oh, and you shouldn't need to recreate the grid every time, that should probably exist outside the event.Robin Giltner
Excellent, yes creating the grids outside the event fixed the issue, thank you.bentwonk
As specific as your issue is, there will always be someone else with the same problem as you. Today, that's me :)Marcello Grechi Lins

3 Answers


It worked for me by adding the .html('') after the selector:


Somehow I solve the problem by just clear the div that created the grid.


document.getElementById("grid").innerHTML = "";

followed by:


For some reason, KendoGrid coupled with the export to excel feature will missbehave when you initialize the grid multiple times, without proper housekeeping.

What I did to solve it was to create the grid only once :

        columns: [
            (FIELDS LIST)
        groupable: false,
        pageable: true,
        scrollable: true,
        filterable: false,
        sortable: true,
        pageSize: 50

And then, reset the datasource on the actual callback event, as you are already doing.

    // Set Grid data source
        new kendo.data.DataSource({
            //Set the data of the grid as the result array of object.
            data: result.customerStatus
