Using RequireJS
, I don't believe I fully understand the difference between the following two different usages of 'require'. In this case, I am only talking about the browser, not node.js. One of my questions is: can I require certain dependencies synchronously on the front-end using RequireJS?
first there is this:
//below the require is definitely the global require of RequireJS, also aliased as requirejs.
//mod is loaded here only
then there is this:
require(['dep'],function(dep){ //require is local not global
//dep is loaded here only
//now the require subsequently called is the 'local' require
var dep = require('dependency'); //I doubt this is possible on front-end..or is it?
I guess I don't see the purpose of using require as an argument to define on the front-end, but is there one?
My confusion is arising because of this example here:
Relative module names inside define(): For require("./relative/name") calls that can happen inside a define() function call, be sure to ask for "require" as a dependency, so that the relative name is resolved correctly:
define(["require", "./relative/name"], function(require) {
var mod = require("./relative/name");
From the above, I can only guess that you can make synchronous calls to other modules with RequireJS on the front-end if one module is relative to another?
Likewise, this example:
Generate URLs relative to module: You may need to generate an URL that is relative to a module. To do so, ask for "require" as a dependency and then use require.toUrl() to generate the URL:
define(["require"], function(require) {
var cssUrl = require.toUrl("./style.css");
so, my question is: what is the difference between the local require and the global require? It certainly doesn't appear that the local require is only/primarily for CommonJS modules.