
I am new to VBscript and am looking to write a simple script that changes a couple cells in a few thousand csv files in a given folder location. I have a good start, and it all seems to be working, except for the fact that when I run the script (from a .bat file that just calls the script) it only changes and moves 3-8 files at a time. The number of files it changes is random, its not like it always changes 5 files or something. I am not sure what is wrong in the code as to why it will not edit and move every single file and only does a couple at a time, here is what I have so far, thanks in advance for any help:

Set objFSO = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set colFiles = ObjFSO.GetFolder("C:\Users\xxx\BadCSVs").Files
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

For Each objFile in colFiles
  If LCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile)) = "csv" Then
    Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(objFile)
    Set sht = xl.ActiveSheet

      If(sht.Cells(1,11) <> "") Then
        sht.Cells(1,8) = sht.Cells(1,8) & sht.Cells(1,9)
        sht.Cells(1,9) = sht.Cells(1,10)
        sht.Cells(1,10) = sht.Cells(1,11)
        sht.Cells(1,11) = Null

        wb.Close True

        'if file is opened up and has only 10 columns of data, then it makes no changes, then closes it.  
      End If
  End If

VB.NET IsNot vba AndAlso VB.NET IsNot VBScript.Ňɏssa Pøngjǣrdenlarp
On Error Resume Next could be burying errors that might explain your inconsistent behavior.David W

1 Answers


Your EVIL global

On Error Resume Next

hides errors. Disable/Remove it and test again.


wb.Close SaveChanges=True

passes the boolean result of comparing SaveChanges (undefined/empty) vs. the boolean literal True. Perhaps you copied VBA code

wb.Close SaveChanges:=True 

(mark the colon) that is not legal in VBScript?


Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

should be paired with an


If you invoke Excel in the loop, terminate it there. I would try to start/quit Excel out of the loop, but you should test that approach carefully.