
I just installed Symfony2 on my Mac. My web/config.php works fine but when I go to the web/app_dev.php file, it shows me an error :

No route found for "GET /" (from "http://localhost:8888/Symfony/web/config.php")

404 Not Found - NotFoundHttpException

1 linked Exception: ResourceNotFoundException

ERROR - Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET /" (from "http://localhost:8888/Symfony/web/config.php")" at .../Symfony/app/cache/dev/classes.php line 2059

I am following a tutorial and I am supposed to get this welcome page : welcome_page Does anyone has an idea of what to do ?

Thank you for your help !

look at this post..xurshid29
You didn't modified any file, right?DonCallisto
@DonCallisto no indeed.Danvdb

1 Answers


that's because your demo route is equal to /app/example or something like that. Go to DefaultController in your AppBundle and change @Route parameter to single slash /