I made a jfsfiddle that
- Has an address set
- Looks for the coordinates of that address using geosearch
- Creates a marker at the coordinates of that address found by geosearch.
It can be found here: https://jsfiddle.net/Alechan/L6s4nfwg/
The "tricky" part is dealing with the Javascript "Promise" instance returned by geosearch and that the address may be ambigous and more than one coordinate may be returned in that case. Also, be careful because the first position in the Leaflet coordinates corresponds to the latitude and the second to the longitude, which is in reverse of the Geosearch "x" and "y" results.
Geosearch returns a promise because it's an asynchronous call. The alternative would have to be a synchronous call and the browser would have to be freezed until an answer was retrieved. More info about promises from MDM (Mozilla) and Google.
In my example, I create a marker for every result found for the indicated address. However, in this case the address is unambiguous and returns only one result.
Breakdown of code:
<!-- Head, imports of Leaflet CSS and JS, Geosearch JS, etc -->
<div id='map'></div>
// Initialize map to specified coordinates
var map = L.map( 'map', {
center: [ 51.5, -0.1], // CAREFULL!!! The first position corresponds to the lat (y) and the second to the lon (x)
zoom: 12
// Add tiles (streets, etc)
L.tileLayer( 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>',
subdomains: ['a','b','c']
}).addTo( map );
var query_addr = "99 Southwark St, London SE1 0JF, UK";
// Get the provider, in this case the OpenStreetMap (OSM) provider.
const provider = new window.GeoSearch.OpenStreetMapProvider()
// Query for the address
var query_promise = provider.search({ query: query_addr});
// Wait until we have an answer on the Promise
query_promise.then( value => {
for(i=0;i < value.length; i++){
// Success!
var x_coor = value[i].x;
var y_coor = value[i].y;
var label = value[i].label;
// Create a marker for the found coordinates
var marker = L.marker([y_coor,x_coor]).addTo(map) // CAREFULL!!! The first position corresponds to the lat (y) and the second to the lon (x)
// Add a popup to said marker with the address found by geosearch (not the one from the user)
marker.bindPopup("<b>Found location</b><br>"+label).openPopup();
}, reason => {
console.log(reason); // Error!
} );