I need to create a query builder expression that use an IN statement where I want to put another query create by querybuilder too. In DQL, the query that i can get is:
FROM BundleUsuarioBundle:Usuario u
WHERE u.id IN (
SELECT u2.id
FROM BundleTramiteBundle:ExamenTeorico et
JOIN et.usuarioHabilitacion u2
WHERE u2.centro = :centro
) ORDER BY u.apellido ASC, u.nombre ASC
but i dont use that because I need put that in 'query_builder' option of an entity field of a form. So, i need a QB but I dont know how I can nest querybuilder expressions. I actually have the two queries in QueryBuilder format but separated:
$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
->from('BundleTramiteBundle:ExamenTeorico', 'examen_teorico')
->join('examen_teorico.usuarioHabilitacion', 'usuario_habilitacion');
$user = $this->getUser();
if ( !$this->esTipoASPV($user) ) {
$centro = $this->getCentro();
->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('usuario_habilitacion.centro', ':centro'))
->setParameter(':centro', $centro->getId());
->where($qb->expr()->in('u.id', ___???___ ))
->addOrderBy("u.apellido", "ASC")
->addOrderBy("u.nombre", "ASC");