
Using http://plugins.cordova.io/#/package/org.apache.cordova.file and plugin installed = org.apache.cordova.file 1.3.3 "File"

I capture a picture and am trying to convert it to base64. The picture location returned (var path below) is "assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=ECB406E6-E361-46AA-9282-FEEBDAC170DF&ext=JPG"

At first from the documentation it looked like all I needed is:

   // Convert to image URL base64
   var fileReader = new FileReader();
   fileReader.onloadend = function (data) {


The code executed but the callback never fired! I then dug around and added a bunch of other fileReader options... exactly zero of which actually execute. Same behavior on both iOS and Android

        fileReader.onload = function (data) {
            console.log("onload", data);

        fileReader.onerror = function (data) {
            console.log("error!", data);

        fileReader.onloadstart = function (data) {
            console.log("onloadstart", data);

I'm not getting any JS errors, but I'm also not getting any console output.

1) Why are the Cordova File FileReader() callbacks not firing?


I tried using ngCordova's file plugin as well, http://ngcordova.com/docs/plugins/file/

$cordovaFile.readAsDataURL('assets-library://asset/', 'asset.JPG?id=ECB406E6-E361-46AA-9282-FEEBDAC170DF&ext=JPG')
            .then(function (success) {
                // success
                console.log("ng success", success);
            }, function (error) {
                // error
                console.log("ng error", error);

With that I receive the following error:

Error in Success callbackId: File1336724899 : TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'e.getFile')

I'm guessing that you need to use a regular URL, not an asset library URL. To confirm I'd probably try to use an image on a website to see if it will load that...Mike M
Thanks @Mike, 1) why wouldn't I get an error then? 2) if I pipe the path to an img's ng-src or something it works perfectly fine 3) I do need to access that image to send though, any suggestions on how?Joshua Ohana
I don't know about the lack of errors - maybe it gets stuck resolving the URL. Anyways, if you're using the cordova photo plugin, you can use the FILE_URI option to get a "normal" file url.Mike M
I'm using cordova camera preview plugin, since I need the live preview, it then captures the image. Strange it's so awkward to access the path itself...Joshua Ohana
the camera plugin natively copies the raw photo data from the asset library into the user directory to support the FILE_URI option. you might have to do something similar...Mike M

2 Answers


I've gone through numerous SO posts and forums regarding this behavior. The Error in Success callbackId: issues occurs on my iOS version of the application we are building, but not Android. Upon further investigation (with logging behavior in ngCordova source code itself) I found that assets-library://asset/ translates to a NATIVE_URI in Cordova, which is a FileEntry object in the W3 File System API spec that is designed from: FileEntry Interface

Using a FILE_URI (which in my case, I was using the cordova camera plugin and was easily configurable), I noticed that I was now using a DirectoryEntry object, and provided the getFile function I was looking for: DirectoryEntry Interface

TL;DR: Try using FILE_URI (file://) instead of NATIVE_URI ('assets-library://asset/' for iOS) to get DirectoryEntry objects that provide a getFile function.


I had recently the same problem with moveFile function, in my case I was making a mistake. In the function moveFile, I was sending the directory with the file name, in the moveFrom parameter in my service. The correct way is set only the directory.

function moveFile(moveFrom, currentFileName, moveTo, newFileName) {
    return $cordovaFile.moveFile(moveFrom, currentFileName, cordova.file.dataDirectory + moveTo, newFileName);

Cordova file plugin could return an invalid directory error.

See the complete issue in ng-cordova repository
