I have GORM domain class that has a composite key defined in the static mapping like this:
static mapping = {
table 'myTable'
id composite: ['Y', 'Z']
X column: 'xColName'
Y column: 'yColName'
I need to change this class to remove the composite primary key and set the primary key as a generic id field with auto incrementing values. However, there are currently existing rows in table 'myTable' and when I remove the "composite" line from the mapping, Grails add the default 'id', but the default value for 'id' is '0' for every row.
| X | Y | id |
| a | d | 0 |
| b | e | 0 |
| c | f | 0 |
I have tried many different 'generators' and all types of combinations of id column below:
static mapping = {
id column: 'id', generator: 'increment'
I have also run the dbm-gorm-diff which generates this:
changeSet(author: " (generated)", id: "1434577127626-10") {
dropPrimaryKey(tableName: "myTable")
addPrimaryKey(columnNames: "id", constraintName: "classNamePK", tableName: "myTable")
However, by the time the changelog runs GORM has already loaded my domain objects into memory, and has added in the id field with values of all '0'. Is there a way to have myTable have an id column set as the primary key with generated sequence numbers? Or do I need to jump through some hoops by adding these myself and then changing the primary key in the changelog.groovy
| X | Y | id |
| a | d | 1 |
| b | e | 2 |
| c | f | 3 |