I have this piece of a Java method I'm working on right now:
Observable<Map.Entry<String, ConstituentInfo>> obs = Observable.from(constituents.entrySet());
Subscriber<Map.Entry<String, ConstituentInfo>> sub = new Subscriber<Map.Entry<String, ConstituentInfo>>(){
String securityBySymbol, company, symbol, companyName, marketPlace, countryName, tier, tierId;
ConstituentInfo constituent;
Integer compId;
public void onNext(Map.Entry<String, ConstituentInfo> entry) {
logger.info("blah blah test");
public void onCompleted() {
logger.info("completed successfully");
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
The method essentially processes each entry in the Map.Entry
, but this seems to be processing it sequentially (same thread). How would I go about making this process asynchronous without using the "parallel" operator (i.e. process entries concurrently)? I tried to run the code above and I am missing some results (some are not processed properly).