On the pages documenting webhooks, like https://developers.braintreepayments.com/javascript+php/reference/general/webhooks, the transaction_disbursed
webhook is listed as deprecated:
If your merchant account is associated with a participating bank then we will send you this Webhook once a transaction has been marked for disbursement (meaning it will leave our bank account today). You will only see this option in the Webhooks section of the Control Panel if you have an eligible merchant account.
However, there is no explanation of why it is deprecated.
This leads to a few questions:
- Why is it deprecated?
- Do Braintree intend to remove the webhook?
- Does it work? At present, if I subscribe to the webhook, will I reliably receive it once per transaction?
- If I don't use it, what am I supposed to use instead? Usually when a feature in a tech product is marked as deprecated, documentation suggests an alternative approach, but that isn't currently the case, here. I would like to know immediately when a transaction is disbursed so that I can make goods that the customer has paid for available to them; by what process am I supposed to do this, if not by the webhook? Is it preferred that I have a daemon that polls the transaction API on a loop? Why?