Current Situation
UPDATE 2016-12-13 : the issue referenced below is now marked fixed, so the hack below is no longer necessary which Spring 4.3.5 or above. See
Previous Situation
Currently (Sep 2016), this is not supported by Spring except via query parameter as answered by @rossen-stoyanchev, who wrote a lot (all?) of the Spring WebSocket support. I don't like the query parameter approach because of potential HTTP referrer leakage and storage of the token in server logs. In addition, if the security ramifications don't bother you, note that I have found this approach works for true WebSocket connections, but if you are using SockJS with fallbacks to other mechanisms, the determineUser
method is never called for the fallback. See Spring 4.x token-based WebSocket SockJS fallback authentication.
I've created a Spring issue to improve support for token-based WebSocket authentication:
Hacking It
In the meantime, I've found a hack that works well in testing. Bypass the built-in Spring connection-level Spring auth machinery. Instead, set the authentication token at the message-level by sending it in the Stomp headers on the client side (this nicely mirrors what you are already doing with regular HTTP XHR calls) e.g.:
stompClient.connect({'X-Authorization': 'token'}, ...);
stompClient.subscribe(..., {'X-Authorization': 'token'});
stompClient.send("/wherever", {'X-Authorization': 'token'}, ...);
On the server-side, obtain the token from the Stomp message using a ChannelInterceptor
public void configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {
registration.setInterceptors(new ChannelInterceptorAdapter() {
Message<*> preSend(Message<*> message, MessageChannel channel) {
StompHeaderAccessor accessor = StompHeaderAccessor.wrap(message);
List tokenList = accessor.getNativeHeader("X-Authorization");
String token = null;
if(tokenList == null || tokenList.size < 1) {
return message;
} else {
token = tokenList.get(0);
if(token == null) {
return message;
// validate and convert to a Principal based on your own requirements e.g.
// authenticationManager.authenticate(JwtAuthentication(token))
Principal yourAuth = [...];
// not documented anywhere but necessary otherwise NPE in StompSubProtocolHandler!
return MessageBuilder.createMessage(message.payload, accessor.messageHeaders)
This is simple and gets us 85% of the way there, however, this approach does not support sending messages to specific users. This is because Spring's machinery to associate users to sessions is not affected by the result of the ChannelInterceptor
. Spring WebSocket assumes authentication is done at the transport layer, not the message layer, and thus ignores the message-level authentication.
The hack to make this work anyway, is to create our instances of DefaultSimpUserRegistry
and DefaultUserDestinationResolver
, expose those to the environment, and then use the interceptor to update those as if Spring itself was doing it. In other words, something like:
class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer() {
private DefaultSimpUserRegistry userRegistry = new DefaultSimpUserRegistry();
private DefaultUserDestinationResolver resolver = new DefaultUserDestinationResolver(userRegistry);
public SimpUserRegistry userRegistry() {
return userRegistry;
public UserDestinationResolver userDestinationResolver() {
return resolver;
public configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
registry.enableSimpleBroker("/queue", "/topic");
public registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
@Override public configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {
registration.setInterceptors(new ChannelInterceptorAdapter() {
Message<*> preSend(Message<*> message, MessageChannel channel) {
StompHeaderAccessor accessor = StompHeaderAccessor.wrap(message);
List tokenList = accessor.getNativeHeader("X-Authorization");
String token = null;
if(tokenList != null && tokenList.size > 0) {
token = tokenList.get(0);
// validate and convert to a Principal based on your own requirements e.g.
// authenticationManager.authenticate(JwtAuthentication(token))
Principal yourAuth = token == null ? null : [...];
if (accessor.messageType == SimpMessageType.CONNECT) {
userRegistry.onApplicationEvent(SessionConnectedEvent(this, message, yourAuth));
} else if (accessor.messageType == SimpMessageType.SUBSCRIBE) {
userRegistry.onApplicationEvent(SessionSubscribeEvent(this, message, yourAuth));
} else if (accessor.messageType == SimpMessageType.UNSUBSCRIBE) {
userRegistry.onApplicationEvent(SessionUnsubscribeEvent(this, message, yourAuth));
} else if (accessor.messageType == SimpMessageType.DISCONNECT) {
userRegistry.onApplicationEvent(SessionDisconnectEvent(this, message, accessor.sessionId, CloseStatus.NORMAL));
// not documented anywhere but necessary otherwise NPE in StompSubProtocolHandler!
return MessageBuilder.createMessage(message.payload, accessor.messageHeaders);
Now Spring is fully aware of the the authentication i.e. it injects the Principal
into any controller methods that require it, exposes it to the context for Spring Security 4.x, and associates the user to the WebSocket session for sending messages to specific users/sessions.
Spring Security Messaging
Lastly, if you use Spring Security 4.x Messaging support, make sure to set the @Order
of your AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
to a higher value than Spring Security's AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
would work, as shown above). That way, your interceptor sets the Principal
before Spring Security executes its check and sets the security context.
Creating a Principal (Update June 2018)
Lots of people seem to be confused by this line in the code above:
// validate and convert to a Principal based on your own requirements e.g.
// authenticationManager.authenticate(JwtAuthentication(token))
Principal yourAuth = [...];
This is pretty much out of scope for the question as it is not Stomp-specific, but I'll expand on it a little bit anyway, because its related to using auth tokens with Spring. When using token-based authentication, the Principal
you need will generally be a custom JwtAuthentication
class that extends Spring Security's AbstractAuthenticationToken
class. AbstractAuthenticationToken
implements the Authentication
interface which extends the Principal
interface, and contains most of the machinery to integrate your token with Spring Security.
So, in Kotlin code (sorry I don't have the time or inclination to translate this back to Java), your JwtAuthentication
might look something like this, which is a simple wrapper around AbstractAuthenticationToken
import my.model.UserEntity
class JwtAuthentication(
val token: String,
// UserEntity is your application's model for your user
val user: UserEntity? = null,
authorities: Collection<GrantedAuthority>? = null) : AbstractAuthenticationToken(authorities) {
override fun getCredentials(): Any? = token
override fun getName(): String? = user?.id
override fun getPrincipal(): Any? = user
Now you need an AuthenticationManager
that knows how to deal with it. This might look something like the following, again in Kotlin:
class CustomTokenAuthenticationManager @Inject constructor(
val tokenHandler: TokenHandler,
val authService: AuthService) : AuthenticationManager {
val log = logger()
override fun authenticate(authentication: Authentication?): Authentication? {
return when(authentication) {
// for login via username/password e.g. crash shell
is UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken -> {
findUser(authentication).let {
authentication.withGrantedAuthorities(it).also { setAuthenticated(true) }
// for token-based auth
is JwtAuthentication -> {
findUser(authentication).let {
val tokenTypeClaim = tokenHandler.parseToken(authentication.token)[CLAIM_TOKEN_TYPE]
when(tokenTypeClaim) {
authentication.withGrantedAuthorities(it).also { setAuthenticated(true) }
JwtAuthentication(authentication.token, it, listOf(SimpleGrantedAuthority(Authorities.REFRESH_TOKEN)))
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected token type claim $tokenTypeClaim.")
else -> null
private fun findUser(authentication: JwtAuthentication): UserEntity =
authService.login(authentication.token) ?:
throw BadCredentialsException("No user associated with token or token revoked.")
private fun findUser(authentication: UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken): UserEntity =
authService.login(authentication.principal.toString(), authentication.credentials.toString()) ?:
throw BadCredentialsException("Invalid login.")
@Suppress("unused", "UNUSED_PARAMETER")
private fun checkUser(user: UserEntity) {
// TODO add these and lock account on x attempts
//if(!user.enabled) throw DisabledException("User is disabled.")
//if(user.accountLocked) throw LockedException("User account is locked.")
fun JwtAuthentication.withGrantedAuthorities(user: UserEntity): JwtAuthentication {
return JwtAuthentication(token, user, authoritiesOf(user))
fun UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.withGrantedAuthorities(user: UserEntity): UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken {
return UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(principal, credentials, authoritiesOf(user))
private fun authoritiesOf(user: UserEntity) =
The injected TokenHandler
abstracts away the JWT token parsing, but should use a common JWT token library like jjwt. The injected AuthService
is your abstraction that actually creates your UserEntity
based on the claims in the token, and may talk to your user database or other backend system(s).
Now, coming back to the line we started with, it might look something like this, where authenticationManager
is an AuthenticationManager
injected into our adapter by Spring, and is an instance of CustomTokenAuthenticationManager
we defined above:
Principal yourAuth = token == null ? null : authenticationManager.authenticate(new JwtAuthentication(token));
This principal is then attached to the message as described above. HTH!
. In the same way how to change the default spring-security logout url from/logout
– Naanavanalla