
I'm trying to bind my ListView Item to Command from my parent ViewModel. The problem is that I would like to add CommandParameter with current Item

Basically, in WPF i would do something like

<MyItem Command="{Binding ElementName=parent", Path=DataContext.MyCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding}"/>

In Xamarin Forms ElementName is not working, so the way is to use BindingContext, but how I should use it (if one of my binding points to parent, second one to self)?

I have tried

<MyItem Command="{Binding BindingContext.RemoveCommand, Source={x:Reference parent}}" CommandParameter="{Binding }" />

But it does not work (seems it not changing Source).

I know, that with normal binding a way is to use BindingContext="{x:Reference parent}", but it won't work in this example, because I need Self binding for CommandParameter

How can i do it?

Additionally, MyItem is a child of DataTemplateTomasz
It's not clear to me what are you trying to do. Can you give some context to your question? What are you trying to achieve in the UI?Sten Petrov
Not sure if I can follow...wouldn't you simply have a Parent property on your binding context and call RemoveCommand on that? Like: Command="{Binding Parent.RemoveCommand}"? You don't want to call the command on the UI element (that's what x:Reference is for). The sender of the command will be the current element, so no need to use a parameter here.Krumelur

1 Answers


I understand you want to execute a command on the parent node of your current node but pass the current node as a parameter. If that is the case, you can solve it like this:

Here's the model we bind to. It has a Parent property and it defines an ICommand (please note that all is C#6 code, so you'll need XS or VS2015!):

public class BindingClass
    public BindingClass (string title)
        this.TestCommand = new TestCommandImpl (this);
        this.Title = title;

    public string Title { get; }
    public ICommand TestCommand { get; }
    public BindingClass Parent { get; set; }

In the code behind, the binding context is set:

this.BindingContext = new BindingClass ("Bound Button") {
    Parent = new BindingClass ("Parent")

And in the XAML, we have a button that calls the command of the parent node and passes the current node as a parameter:

    Text="{Binding Title}"
    Command="{Binding Parent.TestCommand}"