Disclaimer: I've checked the question here and it does not answer mine.
I am trying to come up with a way for nested struct parsing of JSONs. Example:
{"name": "blah blah", "address": {"street": "smthing"}}
I want to reach this result:
%User{name: "blah blah", address: %Address{street: "smthing"}}
Because then it would be easier to plug validation (using Vex for exapmle).
I know that Poison supports the "as struct" option but it does not provide nesting. The above would be parsed:
%User{name: "blah blah", address: %{"street" => "smthing"}}.
I know I could write a decoder implementation for module User
but I guess that is not the intended use case and it would not be generic.
When wondering about an implementation I could not find a way to tell if an atom is a module... maybe I have to go with :code.is_loaded(module_name)
Anyway, before trying an implementation I would like to know if there is something I am not seeing.