I am using Netbeans 8.02 which seems to understand the composite component it helped me create. It is in the folder /resources/ezcomp (the default Nebeans uses for this) and looks like this:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<!-- INTERFACE -->
<cc:attribute name="pobject"
required="true" />
When I edit a page to use the component, NetBeans has it in its code-completion data base, and it creates an xmlns reference on the page that looks like this.
The problem is when Mojarra 2.1.6 (Glassfish 3) encounters this it puts up a message:
Warning: This page calls for XML namespace
http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/composite/ezcomp declared with
prefix ezcomp but no taglibrary exists for that namespace.
Last time I was doing this the URL was java.sun.com so I guess the industry moved on whilst I was away. If I change the URL to use java.sun.com it turns into Null pointer exception.
Anyone have ideas on how to fix this?