
I have the following Workflow script as a Runbook on my Azure Automation account:

workflow Configure-VM
    $DSCConfigPath = "C:\DSCConfigs\TestConfiguration"
        Import-Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration
        Configuration TestConfiguration
            Node "ak-testvm-001" {
                WindowsFeature IIS {
                    Ensure = "Present"
                    Name = "Web-Server"

        Write-Output "INFO: Creating the DSC Configuration"
        TestConfiguration -NodeName "ak-testvm-001" -OutputPath $Using:DSCConfigPath

        Write-Output "INFO: Deploying DSC Configuration"
        Start-DscConfiguration -Path $Using:DSCConfigPath -Force -Wait -Verbose
        Write-Output "INFO: DSC Configuration Finished"

        Write-Output "INFO: END OF RUNBOOK"

I get the following error when I run this RunBook:

Import-Module: The specified module 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' was not loaded because it was not found in any module directory.

How can I run a DSC Configuration from Azure Runbooks? Is it even possible or do I absolutely need to use the Windows PowerShell?


1 Answers


PowerShell Desired State Configuration support was added to Azure Automation in limited preview in May. You can read more on how to manage DSC nodes using Azure Automation here.