
In my Android app, I want to compress mp4 video by changing its resolution, bitrate. I don't want to use FFmpeg (because I don't want to use NDK), so I decided to use MediaCodec API.

Here are my logical steps:

  1. Extract video file with MediaExtractor, then decode data.
  2. Create new encoder with my new resolution, bitrate and encode data.
  3. Using MediaMuxer to create a new mp4 file.

My problem is: I don't know how to setup the connection between output of decoder and input of encoder. I can decode the video to a Surface or encode a new video from a surface. But I don't understand how to connect them.

I read these links: Android MediaCodec: Reduce mp4 video size, Video compression on android using new MediaCodec Library and the example from Bigflake: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/cts/+/jb-mr2-release/tests/tests/media/src/android/media/cts/DecodeEditEncodeTest.java

Can anybody give me a clear explanation what I have to do?

To do a straight copy, you would just get the input surface from the encoder (via getInputSurface()) and pass that to the decoder as the output surface (via configure()).fadden
The MediaCodec API is quite obscure and undocumented. I've started a bounty on this question. Hopelly someone will publish a class they already have. Big mp4 file on disk -> Small mp4 file on disk. All using MediaCodec. That would save countless lives ! (well, maybe not, but sure would save mine ^^)Taiko
@TOP i am using the below answer's to compressor library to compress the video file..But i am not getting the audio from it..Could u please help me to short out from this problemRavindra Kushwaha
Can you please share a sample of how you finally did that? Thank youjames04

1 Answers


I have used this to see how to manipulate video in android: https://github.com/hoolrory/AndroidVideoSamples , check the VideoResampler.java in the CommonVideoLibrary .