I am trying to use sunspot solr for searching with Rails 4 and mysql.
I defined a searchable block in my model(eg XYZ):
searchable do
text :name, :stored => true
string :id, :stored => true
I just want to search in "name". The "id" is the primary key. There are many other columns in the table that have nothing to with this search, so I did not include them in the searchable block.
Now, when I perform a search eg "go".. it gived my the results I want exactly. However, this line is displayed on the log/console.
Completed 200 OK in 126ms (Views: 0.0ms | ActiveRecord: 11.0ms | Solr: 33.0ms)
I want to remove the active record/db hit completely. Thats why I had specified :stored => true. But the db hit is still there. It is performing:
select XYZ.* from XYZ where XYZ.id in (list of the id's which satisfy the search criteria)
Is it possible to completely remove it and for sunspot:solr to search only in the stored index and give the result?