
I am just trying to add

    <machinesettings maxtimeout="02:30:00">

section to the end of my machine.config local file so I test out a transaction that lasts for too long. The transaction is initialized from my local windows app communicating to SQL server.

So the end of machine.config file now looks like:

        <machinesettings maxtimeout="02:30:00">

This is my machine config file now.

I am modifying both C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config

I am following advice given at the link

But, when I do this and reopen the app, VS studio project loading fails with the message: The .Net Trace handling fails. Please check your .Net machine and enterprise configuration.

Should I do something else after modifying machine.config ? Is there some quick way to get out of this as this is the fourth thing in the row I am doing only to increase the timeout.

Thank you for the time!

Check whether system.transactions has been defined before on the file. Having a double section may confuse it.jessehouwing
There is just the section defiition before. Is that all fine? I have copy/pasted the section here: textuploader.com/njsjСрба
First thing that stands out, it should be machineSettings, note capital S, second, check the nesting, it's hard to see on my mobile, but it looks like it should be a subsection of system.componentModeljessehouwing
You are right jesse. In the meantime, I tried with capital letters on my own and figured out that is the issue. It should not be child of system.componentModel , it should be subsection of configuration. It was all about capital letters, I am running tests nowСрба

1 Answers



machine.config is case sensitive. So the section should be:

    <machineSettings maxTimeout="02:30:00">

my text was all in lower cases