
I have a workbook where I need to be able to click on a single cell of a worksheet and hit my command button. That copies and pastes the cell value to the first blank cell in column E on a different worksheet within the same workbook. When I just run the macro by itself, it works fine. But when I paste the code into a command button, it gives me a couple of runtime error 1004's. The most common error is "Select method of range class failed" and refers to the code line that tells it to select Range (E4). Here is the code:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

' Choose player from Player list and  paste to Draft list.


    Selection.PasteSpecial _ 
        Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

End Sub
It will also give me an error if cells E4 and E5 aren't filled it. I know this is because of the ctrl+down arrow and offset commands, but I don't know how else to make it search for the next blank cell. Any help?user4907546
Have you tried Sheets("Players").Range("E4").SelectParadox
Why don't you just assign the macro to a button? As in put the sub in a module, then put a button in your sheet and assign that sub as the assigned macro? If the sub works fine I don't see why it wouldn't work fine if called by a button. You also don't have to select so many things, it slows down your code tremendously.David G
I just tried that. Same error. Do I need to add error handling code to this? And if so, what would that look like?user4907546
I had changed the code in the command button to "call click_player" to just call and run the macro. That worked fine on my computer, but when I tried it on a different computer, it gave me the runtime error.user4907546

2 Answers


TL;DR, couple options to resolve this, in order of preference:

  1. Stop using Select to access cells
  2. Qualify your call to Range("E4") when executing code in a Worksheet object by using Application.Range("E4") or Sheets("Draft").Range("E4") or ActiveSheet.Range("E4")
  3. Move the code to ThisWorkbook or a code module and call that Sub from the event.

Here is the lengthy part that attempts to explain why your code does not work.

This all comes down to: where is the code executing? Different execution contexts will behave differently when you use unqualified references to Cells Range and a number of other functions.

Your original code likely ran inside ThisWorkbook, a code module, or possibly in the code file for sheet Draft. Why do I guess this? Because in all of those places a call to Range("E4") would be acceptable to get the cell E4 on sheet Draft. Cases:

  • ThisWorkbookand a code module will execute Range on the ActiveSheet which is Draft since you just called Select on it.
  • Inside Draft will execute Range in the context of Draft which is acceptable since that is the ActiveSheet and the place where you are trying to get cell E4.

Now what happens when we add an ActiveX CommandButton to the mix? Well that code is added to the Worksheet where it lives. This means that the code for the button can possibly execute in a different context than it did before. The only exception to this is if the button and code are both on sheet Drafts, which I assume not since you Select that sheet. For demonstrations, let's say the button is located on sheet WHERE_THE_BUTTON_IS.

Given that sheet, what is going on now? Your call to Range is now executed in the context of sheet WHERE_THE_BUTTON_IS regardless of the ActiveSheet or anything else you do outside of the call to Range. This is because the call to Range is unqualified. That is, there is no object to provide scope to the call so it runs in the current scope which is the Worksheet.

So now we have a call to Range("E4") in sheet WHERE_THE_BUTTON_IS which is trying to Select the cell. This is forbidden because sheet Draft is the ActiveSheet and

Thou shalt not Select a cell on a Worksheet that is not the ActiveSheet

So with all of this, how do we resolve this issue? There are a couple of ways out:

  1. Stop using Select to manipulate cells. This gets away from the main problem here, quoted above. This assumes your button lives on the same sheet as the Selection to copy/paste.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Sheets("Draft").Range("E4").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Value = Selection.Value

End Sub

  1. Qualify the call to Range so that it executes in the proper context and chooses the right cell. You can use the Sheets("Draft").Range object to qualify this or Application.Range instead of the bare Range. I highly recommend option 1 instead of trying to figure out how to make Select work.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()


    'could also use Application.Range here

    Selection.PasteSpecial _
        Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub

  1. Move the code back to a Sub that is outside of the Worksheet object and call it from the CommandButton1_Click event.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
     Sheets("Draft").Range("E4").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Value2 = ActiveCell.Value2
End Sub

My motto: if it doesn't have a Select method it can't have a Select method error.
Fun fact: even if it's working properly, it will replace your existing values if E4 is empty. I recommend using LastRow instead (I like the Range("E:E").Findone the most).