I have been searching an efficient way to copy data from one spreadsheet to another and always paste one row below. Someone helped me with this code, but unfortunately it is not working for the columns i need. So I need to copy data from E2:P2 on sheet "Dividends" and paste firstly on C11:N11, then tomorrow if I run again should paste on C12:N12 and always one row below... When I run the code, it pastes the data on C111:N111, and if I run again still paste on the same range, so does not work for me. I would appreciate your help.
Sub Copy_range()
' edit line below to change where data will be copied from
Worksheets("Dividends").Range("E2:P2").Copy ' copy the value
' select the first cell on the "Draft" sheet
Dim count As Integer
count = 1
'skip all used cells
Do While Not (ActiveCell.value = None)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("C11").Select
count = count + 1
Worksheets("Draft").Range("C11" & count & ":N11" & count).PasteSpecial ' paste the value
End Sub