
I have installed Genymotion Virtual Device for Android Studio and also created virtual device in it ,but the problem is that virtual device(in Genymotion) is not getting started and showing the following error :

Unable to start virtual device To start virtual device,make sure that your video card supports OpenGl 2.0 and update the drivers Details: Failed to initialize backend EGL display (error: 4) If possible, update your video card drivers.

I tried to update the video card through device manager but it says that it's up to date.

here see this post its helpful [enter link description here][1] [1]: stackoverflow.com/questions/23560545/genymotion-opengl-error/…ayoub soso

1 Answers


I faced the same issue in windows 8. When you try to update the graphic card driver, it says it's already up to date.

All I did to solve this is that I downloaded a Graphic card driver supported by my system i.e. dell N5050 from the dell site. I installed this driver supported by inbuilt window version 7: "Intel HD Graphics 3000 Driver_Vedio_Intel_W84_X00_A01_Setup-5PFY2_ZPE.exe Hard-Drive."

You must install a Graphic Driver supported by your system.