You can let the AudioQueue wait if you use AudioQueuePause.
In this exemple, in Swift 5, I use a generic queue. When this queue is empty, as you did, I fill my buffer with empty data in callback and call AudioQueuePause. It's important to note that all of AudioQueueBuffer send to AudioQueueRef with AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer before call AudioQueuePause are played.
Create an userData class to send everything you need to your callback :
class UserData {
let dataQueue = Queue<Data>()
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
private var inQueue: AudioQueueRef!
private var userData = UserData()
Give an instance of this class when you create your AudioQueue and start it :
AudioQueueNewOutput(&inFormat, audioQueueOutputCallback, &userData, nil, nil, 0, &inQueue)
AudioQueueStart(inQueue, nil)
Generate all your buffers and don't enqueue them directly : call your callback function :
for _ in 0...2 {
var bufferRef: AudioQueueBufferRef!
AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(inQueue, 320, &bufferRef)
audioQueueOutputCallback(&userData, inQueue, bufferRef)
When you receive audio data, you can call a method who enqueue your data and let it wait for callback function get it :
func audioReceived(_ audio: Data) {
let dataQueue = userData.dataQueue
let semaphore = userData.semaphore
// Start AudioQueue every time, if it's already started this call do nothing
AudioQueueStart(inQueue, nil)
Finally you can implement a callback function like this :
private let audioQueueOutputCallback: AudioQueueOutputCallback = { (inUserData, inAQ, inBuffer) in
// Get data from UnsageMutableRawPointer
let userData: UserData = (inUserData!.bindMemory(to: UserData.self, capacity: 1).pointee)
let queue = userData.dataQueue
let semaphore = userData.semaphore
// bind UnsafeMutableRawPointer to UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> for data copy
let audioBuffer = inBuffer.pointee.mAudioData.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: 320)
if queue.isEmpty {
print("Queue is empty: pause")
audioBuffer.assign(repeating: 0, count: 320)
inBuffer.pointee.mAudioDataByteSize = 320
} else {
if let data = queue.dequeue() {
data.copyBytes(to: audioBuffer, count: data.count)
inBuffer.pointee.mAudioDataByteSize = data.count
} else {
print("Error: queue is empty")
AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(inAQ, inBuffer, 0, nil)
In my case I use 320 bytes buffer for 20ms of PCM data 16bits, 8kHz, mono.
This solution is more complexe but better than a pseudo infinite loop with empty audio data for your CPU. Apple is very punitive with greedy apps ;)
I hope this solution will help.