
I have configured a build parameter in Hudson for the revision number. I would like to set a default value so that SVN head is built when the revision number is not specified/changed. HEAD does not seem to be working.

This is my subversion repository configured in hudson:


I see the following error when I build:

Location 'http://my_svn_location/trunk@HEAD' does not exist.

Any workarounds?

Isn't this question exact duplicate? stackoverflow.com/questions/1863949/…Juha Syrjälä

1 Answers


If you just set your svn location to: http://my_svn_location/trunk, hudson will fetch the latest (that is HEAD) revision from the trunk.

So you could set it like this http://my_svn_location/trunk${revision}, and then set revision parameter to @1234 when you want to fetch a specific version and to empty string ('') when you want the HEAD. Notice that @ is part of the build parameter. It this what you were looking for?

I am just wondering why you don't always fetch the HEAD?