I have 2 sheets named SheetA and SheetB.
In SheetA, A2 is blank and will be filled with value like "Customer 1" or "Customer 2". B1 to F1 contains items like "Car", "Contract", "Pet", "Home", etc.
In SheetB, A1 to A80 contains "Customer 1" to "Customer 80". And then I have columb B to F contains items "Car", "Contract" or "Pet" randomly. This means that "Customer 1" will have "Car", "Contract" but "Customer 2" can only have "Pet".
What I want to do is to hightlight in Sheet 1, cell B2 to F2 whether if a customer has a car or a pet based on the info in SheetB and the name entered into Sheet 1 cell A2.
I think this can be done by using conditional formatting but I couldn't get the formula right.