I would like to ash here a question, which I asking already in the developers forum of swiper, too. So don't be confused. If a solution is/was found, I will close/mark both.
At the moment I want for a project a horizontal scrolling sidebar and a vertical scrolling footer. (Swiper based) But see self what happens if you switch from horizontal (1) footer to a vertical (2) one.
Video 1 (direction both horizontal - not wanted)
Video 2 (footer direction vertical, wanted! - not works)
As you can see, on the simplified example (Video 2): If I use direction:vertical on the second swiper-container it breaks the result. Where the HEIGHT of "swiper-slide" should be 226px, appears now a HEIGHT of 2408px and a MARGIN-BOTTOM of 100px.
I really can't understand what's going wrong here.
var swiper = [];
var $el = $(this);
var sParams = [{
speed: 400,
spaceBetween: 100,
allowSwipeToNext: false, // for event controlled swipes
allowSwipeToPrev: false // for event controlled swipes
speed: 400,
spaceBetween: 100,
allowSwipeToNext: false, // for event controlled swipes
allowSwipeToPrev: false, // for event controlled swipes
direction: 'vertical'