When I export a dataset to Stata format using PROC EXPORT
, SAS 9.4 automatically expands adds an extra (empty) byte to every observation of every string variable. For example, in this data set:
data test1;
input cust_id $ 1
month 3-8
category $ 10-12
status $ 14-14
A 200003 ABC C
A 200004 DEF C
A 200006 XYZ 3
B 199910 ASD X
B 199912 ASD C
proc export data = test1
file = "test1.dta"
dbms = stata replace;
the variables cust_id
, category
, and status
should be str1
, str3
, and str1
in the final Stata file, and thus take up 1 byte, 3 bytes, and 1 byte, respectively, for every observation. However, SAS automatically adds an extra empty byte to each observation, which expands their data types to str2
, str4
, and str2
data type in the outputted Stata file.
This is extremely problematic because that's an extra byte added to every observation of every string variable. For large datasets (I have some with ~530 million observations and numerous string variables), this can add several gigabytes to the exported file.
Once the file is loaded into Stata, the compress
command in Stata can automatically remove these empty bytes and shrink the file, but for large datasets, PROC EXPORT
adds so many extra bytes to the file that I don't always have enough memory to load the dataset into Stata in the first place.
Is there a way to stop SAS from padding the string variables in the first place? When I export a file with a one character string variable (for example), I want that variable stored as a one character string variable in the output file.
string terminator (for "Varchar" type operation). I suspect SAS just puts that after every string, if I had to guess. I would recommend putting a support ticket in with SAS tech support; they can likely a) confirm this and b) let you know if there is a workaround. I don't see one based on a brief look. – Joecompress
. – Joe