I've got a custom CloudWatch metric based on a historical value, so I'm publishing them with explicit timestamps. I've seen an issue using both the C# and PowerShell APIs where I don't see all my metrics right away.
In the example below, I'm creating sample points for every hour for the past two weeks, but I only see the last ~48 hours in my graph in the CloudWatch console.
$cwNamespace = 'Historical CW Sanity Check'
# generate some data
$now = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
$startTime = $now - [TimeSpan]::FromDays(14)
$t = $startTime
$x = 0
while ($t -le $now)
$t += [TimeSpan]::FromHours(1)
$datum = New-Object -TypeName 'Amazon.CloudWatch.Model.MetricDatum'
$datum.Unit = [Amazon.CloudWatch.StandardUnit]::Count
$datum.Value = 2 * $x
$datum.Timestamp = $t
$datum.MetricName = 'Test 2'
$x +=1.0
Write-Host "($t, $x)"
Write-CWMetricData -Namespace $cwNamespace -MetricData $datum
From the docs, I thought it supported up to two weeks' worth of historical data. I'm wondering why I see the new points before the old points (or if the old points are going to show up at all). It looks like I'm only getting two days' worth.