We have an NServiceBus endpoint that monitors an Azure Service Bus Queue (using Azure as a transport). But not all the clients that send messages to the queue are .NET-based.
Can an NServiceBus endpoint be configured to accept a simple string as input?
I've tried intercepting messages with a class that implements IMutateIncomingMessages, but at this point deserialization from the Azure transport has already failed.
I can inspect the message coming in in a class implementing IMutateIncomingTransportMessages, but I'm not sure if this is the right place.
What is the best way to configure NServiceBus to handle a message being published in the following format (keep in mind this can also come via the Java or Node SDKs, or via an Azure REST endpoint):
var brokered = new BrokeredMessage("This plain string represents the data.");
Deserialization of this message will fail, because it contains a string, not a byte array as expected by the Azure transport deserializer.
PS: I know it is possible to expose the endpoint as a WCF service, but currently we only have NServiceBus.Host processes that pull from the queue and the WCF solution does not feel like the right solution to me.