
I've got two datasets referring to the same process executed in two different ways. The execution A is slower than the execution B with respect to real time, but the two graphs represent the same phenomena..

I can plot the two together as follows:

plot 'A' using 1:2, 'B' using 1:2

But I obtain two graphs with different X scales: A was slower, so the graph is much.

I can normalize the graph by doing the following:

plot 'A' using ($1 / maxA):2, 'B' using ($1 / maxB):2

Which works perfectly for me. The only problem being the maxA and maxB variables. They are trivial to determine (tail -n1 A | cut -f1 and tail -n1 B | cut -f1 respectively), but I was wondering if there's an automated way of doing it.

Thanks in advance for any kind answer.


After I applied the excellent answer from Wrzlprmft, I finally got to the following pattern, which is quite convenient:

max(Source) = system('tail -n ' . Source . '| cut -f1')

A = 'path/to/A'
maxA = max(A)
plot A using ($1 / maxA):2

Another possible improvement could be including a Column parameter to the max function, so that we can also tune the param of the -f flag in cut.


Changed my mind on acceptance, since the stats command seems to be better for this purpose.

Thanks everyone.


2 Answers


Alternative is to use the stats command in gnuplot, without any external programs:

stats datafA using 1:2 name "A"
stats datafB using 1:2 name "B"

plot datafA using 1:2, datafB using ($1/B_max_x*A_max_x)

It also produces a lot more useful statistics of your data, check the variables it produces with show var A (or B, or STATS if you didn't supply a name).

OR (different solution), you plot B on the x2y1 coordinate system, where the x2 axis gets autoscaled independently.

set xtics nomirr
set x2tics 
set xrange [*:*] noextend # make sure the scaling is coherent
set x2range [*:*] noextend # by switching off extension
set link x2 via x*factor inverse x/factor # alternative, for gp>=v5.2
plot datafA us 1:2, datafB us 1:2 axes x2y1

If you know the relation between your abscissa values, you can directly link the two axes since gp 5.2


The system command allows you to execute programs and obtain their output. For example, you could use the following before your plot command:

maxA = system("tail -n1 A | cut -f1")
maxB = system("tail -n1 B | cut -f1")