I'm teaching myself about dependent types by learning Agda.
Here's a type for binary trees balanced by their size.
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties.Simple
data T (A : Set) : ℕ -> Set where
empty : T A 0
leaf : A -> T A 1
bal : ∀ {n} -> T A n -> T A n -> T A (n + n)
heavyL : ∀ {n} -> T A (suc n) -> T A n -> T A (suc (n + n))
A tree can either be completely balanced (bal
), or the left subtree could contain one more element than the right subtree (heavyL
). (In that case, the next insertion would go into the right subtree.) The idea is that insertions would flip between the left and right halves of the tree, effectively (deterministically) shuffling an input list.
I can't make this definition of insert
insert : ∀ {A n} -> A -> T A n -> T A (suc n)
insert x empty = leaf x
insert x (leaf y) = bal (leaf x) (leaf y)
insert x (bal l r) = heavyL (insert x l) r
insert x (heavyL l r) = bal l (insert x r)
Agda rejects bal l (insert x r)
as the right-hand side of the heavyL
.n + suc .n != suc (.n + .n) of type ℕ
when checking that the expression bal l (insert x r) has type
T .A (suc (suc (.n + .n)))
I attempted to patch up my definition with a proof...
insert x (heavyL {n} l r) rewrite +-suc n n = bal l (insert x r)
... but I get the same error message. (Have I misunderstood what rewrite
I also tried converting trees of equivalent sizes under the same proof assumption:
convertT : ∀ {n m A} -> T A (n + suc m) -> T A (suc (n + m))
convertT {n} {m} t rewrite +-suc n m = t
insert x (heavyL {n} l r) rewrite +-suc n n = bal (convertT l) (convertT (insert x r))
Agda accepts this as a possibility, but highlights the equation in yellow. I figured I need to explicitly give the size of the two subtrees that I was passing to the bal
insert x (heavyL {n} l r) rewrite +-suc n n = bal {n = suc n} (convertT l) (convertT (insert x r))
But now I get the same error message again!
n + suc n != suc (n + n) of type ℕ
when checking that the expression
bal {n = suc n} (convertT l) (convertT (insert x r)) has type
T .A (suc (suc (n + n)))
I'm out of ideas. I'm sure I've made a stupid mistake. What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do to make my definition of insert