Here is my implementation of an in-place quicksort algorithm, an adaptation from this video:
def partition(arr, start, size):
if (size < 2):
index = int(math.floor(random.random()*size))
L = start
U = start+size-1
pivot = arr[start+index]
while (L < U):
while arr[L] < pivot:
L = L + 1
while arr[U] > pivot:
U = U - 1
temp = arr[L]
arr[L] = arr[U]
arr[U] = temp
partition(arr, start, L-start)
partition(arr, L+1, size-(L-start)-1)
There seems to be a few implementations of the scanning step where the array (or current portion of the array) is divided into 3 segments: elements lower than the pivot, the pivot, and elements greater than the pivot. I am scanning from the left for elements greater than or equal to the pivot, and from the right for elements less than or equal to the pivot. Once one of each is found, the swap is made, and the loop continues until the left marker is equal to or greater than the right marker. However, there is another method following this diagram that results in less partition steps in many cases. Can someone verify which method is actually more efficient for the quicksort algorithm?