
My form contains a panel which is used to add/dispose of several user controls (based on the selection of from the menustrip). Prior to using this panel to contain each user control, I could anchor and therefore resize each user control when the form resized. Despite the panel resizing correctly with the form, I can't figure out how to anchor the user controls within the panel so that they will also resize.

Example of panel in yellow, user control in red: http://gyazo.com/390f85587335efee4a9ec8b913ffce06

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


        Dim _UCAddNewRawMaterial As New UCAddNewRawMaterial
We don't have enough information here to help you. HOW do you want the multiple(?) UserControls within this Panel resized? So they take up equal space horizontally, vertically, in a grid?...something else? Take a look at the FlowLayoutPanel and the TableLayoutPanel for something to start with.Idle_Mind
Can you show code on how you are creating a control and adding it to the Panel?mclark1129
I've edited the question to show how my user controls are added to the panel- disposeUCs() simply removes the current user control from the panel when a new user control has been selected for viewing. Please look at the image link I've provided in the question.Nick

1 Answers


It sounds like you'll only ever have one UserControl in the Panel at a time?

If so, simply DockStyle.Fill it:

Dim _UCAddNewRawMaterial As New UCAddNewRawMaterial
_UCAddNewRawMaterial.Dock = DockStyle.Fill