
I've been trying to control Panasonic PT AE3000U through computer serial port for a last few days. Computer that I am using has serial port on its back, and I've confirmed that port functions at some level by connecting RXD and TXD with jump wire.

Technical information about projector (10Mb): http://www.projectorcentral.com/pdf/projector_manual_4506.pdf

Section that tells about serial communications starts from page 51.

According to manual and that what I've read from online, start-up command in hex should be 02 50 4f 4e 03, but I haven't been able to get it work with that.

Variations of that command I've tried to send with RealTerm and Termite:

02 50 4f 4e 03
0x02 0x50 0x4f 0x4e 0x03
And other similar combinations and formats

I assume that command on third row should be the right one, because if I send that as numbers with Realterm, and connect RDX and TXD together similarly as I did before, I get this on screen (display settings are "display as ascii").


But when I connect cable to the projector and repeat the process, nothing happens. Baudrate is set at 9600, which should be correct.


1 Answers


So, I guess it somehow solved itself. I decided to restart my computer and projector. "Just in case there would be something left from all of mine failed attempts"

And it started to work, I sent line 0x02 0x50 0x4f 0x4e 0x03 with Realterm as numbers only. My settings were:

  • Baudrate 9600
  • Parity: None
  • Data bits: 8
  • Stop bits: 1