I am new in Joomla! I am creating custom joomla(3.4.1) component, and i am making a good progress. I used almost all fields for one of the form for add/edit all works fine EXCEPT FILE UPLOAD.
Actually it saves value in field of my table, But i really don't know how/where to write Joomla! code for upload files.
i refer this link https://docs.joomla.org/Creating_a_file_uploader_in_your_component but i don't need any uploader at all,just want to upload manually, also find type="media" field, but it seems it is only allow for upload images.
Now what next step i should take in order to upload file in specific folder which is restricted for admin only.
I know one of the method MAY BE in controller to override save method and start uploading.
But is there any proper way to do it???
Thank you.