I want to achieve following scenario with select2(4.0.0) and jquery(2.1.4):
- I have a select box which takes data from external source (end point on java application server)
- User can either pick one of the returned values or come up with his own value
- Now when user submits the form and the validation on the server side fails I would like to display the form with all the values provided previously by the user, therefore select box should have the value send to the server.
To achieve that
- I use ajax from select to query data from the server
- I use createTag to allow user to create his own values
- I wanted to use initSelection to prefill selectbox with a value previously added by user.
My code looks like this:
ajax: {
url: "http://javaendpoit/serie/filter",
dataType: 'json',
delay: 250,
data: function (params) {
return {
name: params.term,
page: params.page
processResults: function (data, page) {
return {
results: $.map(data, function (item) {
return {
text: item.name,
name: item.name,
id: item.name
cache: true
escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; },
minimumInputLength: 2,
templateResult: formatRepo,
templateSelection: formatRepoSelection,
tags: true,
createTag: function (tag) {
return {
id: tag.term,
text: tag.term,
name: tag.term,
isNew : true
/* below part is rendered by jsp so that it has the value from previous form submission; if it is initial form render the below part is not included */
initSelection : function (element, callback) {
function formatRepo (serie) {
if (serie.loading) return serie.text;
var markup = '<div class="clearfix">' +
'<div clas="col-sm-10">' +
'<div class="clearfix">' +
'<div class="col-xs-12">' + serie.name + '</div>' +
markup += '</div></div>';
return markup;
function formatRepoSelection (serie) {
return serie.name;
This works just fine. Meaning that after the submission I can see value Name in the select box and it's the selected value. Nevertheless, if I try to submit this form again, the value is missing in the request.
As suggested in the number of topics here I added following line (see last line).
/* [...] */
initSelection : function (element, callback) {
But after adding this the value Name is not even visible in the select2 box.
I have been trying to fix it for few hours now, but somehow cannot find the right solution. I bet I am missing some basic stuff. Plese help!
--- [EDIT]
After adding data I am able to see the value Name even when setting the value with val nevertheless if I resubmit the form this value is still not present in the request.
.select2('val', "Name")
--- [EDIT 2]
In html I use select to create this element.
<select class="form-control" name="serie"></select>
method is not writable and will trigger a warning if you setdebug: true
when initializing Select2. – Kevin Brown