I have the following gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp'), browserSync = require('browser-sync'), sass = require('gulp-sass'), bower = require('gulp-bower'), notify = require('gulp-notify'), reload = browserSync.reload, bs = require("browser-sync").create(), Hexo = require('hexo'), hexo = new Hexo(process.cwd(), {}); var src = { scss: './scss/', css: './source/css', ejs: 'layout' }, watchFiles = [ './scss/*.scss', '*/*.ejs' ]; // Static Server + watching scss/html files gulp.task('serve', ['sass:watch'], function() { // init starts the server bs.init(watchFiles, { server: { baseDir: "../../public" }, logLevel: "debug" }); hexo.init(); hexo.call('generate', {}, function(){ console.log('Started Hexo Server'); }) });
How does one start hexo in a watch in a gulpfile?
The rest of the gulpfile is here:
The hexo index file takes in arguments here; but i couldn't figure out the arguments;