I'm facing an issue in installing SSL certificate in IIS and below are the step before I got the certificate from my CA.
Generated a private key file using OpenSSL with: "openssl genrsa -out key_name.key 2048" command.
Generated .csr file with: "openssl req -out CSR.csr -key key_name.key -new -sha256" command.
Once I generated the CSR file, I provided the same CSR file to CA to get me certificate.
I got the certificate in .p7b format, which I converted to .cer format.
Installed certificate using "Complete certificate request" option in IIS.
Now the problem is that newly installed certificate vanishes from IIS after a refresh. I Googled this issue and understood that, it's happening so because there is no private key associated with certificate. My question is where the private key has gone?? I had created the CSR using the private key in step 1. Secondly, how do I over come this issue, I have to install the certificate anyhow. Please help.