
I'm trying Nest plugin for querying elastic search data. I have a yearly job count report based on a field. Currently I have used the date Histogram report for this and below is the elastic query.

POST insight/_search
  "size": "0",
  "query": {
    "filtered": {
      "query": {
        "query_string": {
          "query": "(onet.familycode: 11)"
  "aggregations": {
    "jobcounts_by_year": {
      "date_histogram": {
        "field": "jobdate",
        "interval": "year",
        "format": "yyyy"
      "aggregations": {
        "count_by_occupation_family": {
          "terms": {
            "field": "onet.family"

Equivalent Nest query

result = ElasticSearchClient.Instance.Search<Job>(s => s.Size(0)
                    .Query(query => query
                        .Filtered(filtered => filtered
                            .Query(q => q
                                .QueryString(qs => qs.Query(queryString)))))
                    .Aggregations(a => a
                        .DateHistogram("jobcounts_by_year", dt => dt
                            .Aggregations(a1 => a1
                            .Terms("top_agg", t => t
                                    .Exclude("NA|Unknown|Not available")

Everything works well, but now the problem is iterating over the result to get values, For normal aggregation I'm currently doing it like below

data = result.Aggs.Terms("top_agg").Items.Select(item =>
                new JobReportResult
                    Group = item.Key,
                    Count = item.DocCount

But it seems Nest doesn't support buckets with in Date Histogram buckets.

If i tried like below I'm getting null reference exception.


It seems we have to use something like below.The d2 now has IAggregation

    var d1 = result.Aggs.DateHistogram("jobcounts_by_year").Items;
    var d2 =(TermsAggregator)d1[0].Aggregations["top_agg"];

But the Aggregation property is not exposing any values.

I'm stuck here. Can someone let me know how can I access buckets inside DateHistogram Buckets using NEST



1 Answers


Try this

var dateHistogram = searchResponse.Aggs.DateHistogram("jobcounts_by_year");

foreach (var item in dateHistogram.Items)
    var bucket = item.Terms("top_agg");

Hope this helps.