I am using IBM MobileFirst platform 7 to develop a hybrid application for one of my clients. I am using the below environment setting to protect the app so that on app launch when it connects to the MobileFirst server, app will receive a security challenge from the server.
<iphone bundleId="com.AppTest" version="1.0" securityTest="mobileTests">
The app handles the challenge by showing the login screen to the user. I am using adapter based authentication for the app. This is working fine.
Problem with the above setup: There is a 'New user sign-up' link in the login screen that redirect the user to a sign-up screen. On load of the user sign-up screen, app is invoking an adapter procedure to get some data. The adapter procedure invoked from the sign-up screen is not protected with any security test.
Even though the adapter procedure is unprotected, the above setup doesn't allow the app to invoke the procedure before a successful user authentication. Server is throwing a challenge back to the app when the user clicks on the registration link and he stays on the login screen.
Does MobileFirst authentication framework provide any option to explicitly bypass the security check for specific resources while using environment level protection? I have gone through the platform documentation and couldn't find any such options. If anyone faced a similar problem and resolved it, could you share your suggestions on handling this please. Thanks.