
I'm sure this has already been asked somewhere but I can't seem to find it, so here it goes.

I am creating a program in C and using Doxygen to generate documentation. I am quite satisfied with the results, however the main page has no content. I would like to fill the main page with a list of all functions and structures used in the program in alphabetical order.

I do not know much about Doxygen, beyond the simple tutorial that I have used to get this far. It seems like a task that Doxygen would be able to do, but so far all I have found is instructions on how to create a custom main page.

Is it possible to use Doxygen to automatically generate a list of functions and structures on the main page?

View index.html, It will contain Files as one of the switchable tabs. Go to Files -> Globals -> Function -> (List of function ordered from a to z)Gaurav Agarwal

1 Answers


I recommend you to use @mainpage. This function changed the header of the main page and then after it you can use functions like @brief for a short information.

Use html tags to create sections, for me it works. Then in the new section with function @see you can go from the main page to functions or files. This is a working excample:

*       @mainpage WATCHDOG 
*       <hr/>
*       @setion <b> File tree<b/>
*       @brief Here you can see the main files which are used.
*       @see io.c
*       @see watchdog.c
*       @see watchdog.h
*       <p/><br/>
*       <hr/>
*       In this part we have few main functions used by the programm
*       <p/><br/>
*       @see watchdog_init_s();
*       @see fpga_resetregs_init_s();
*       @see watchdog_read(int add, unsigned int ws );
*       @see watchdog_reset_io_write(WD * watchdog, unsigned int* data,unsigned int *ws );
*       <hr/>