
I'm tutoring myself on Azure Resource Manager and Azure Resource Group template files. I'm using the Azure SDK v2.6. I'm intrigued to know why, when I pick a WebSite template, it contains a Microsoft.Web/serverFarms resource. Given that Azure Web Sites is a PaaS offering why do I need to care about the notion of a server farm?

Just interested to know that's all.


2 Answers


That's just the resource provider name for the Web Hosting Plan, now called App Service Plan.


The App Service plan defines the virtual machines that run the Web Site.

You can have a number of applications running within an App Service Plan, Web apps, Logic apps, API apps. Every app running will take a share of the performance that is available to the Service Plan.

You can consider the Web Site to be a single site under IIS, before you can deploy a site to IIS you need a server to host IIS on. That is what the App Service plan / serverfarm provides.